Why Pay for a Drilling Permit & Rig Locator Service? Back to Blog

Sep 24


  • Created: Mon 7th Jan 2013
  • Erin

Energy professionals should consider the use of paid subscriber drilling permit and rig location services for a number of reasons. Navigating the various state agency departments responsible for approving drilling permits can be cumbersome and time consuming.  With the current drilling boom in shale resources areas, the number of filed drilling permits has skyrocketed.  In addition, the number of active drilling rigs is very high and their locations are changing faster than at any time in history.  More than one drill bore can be launched from a single well pad and rig “walking” is now commonplace.  Current drilling technology is allowing deep and horizontal wells to be drilled at footage rates never seen before. Whereas drilling permit information is publicly available, drilling rig locations are not generally public information and direct contact with drilling contractors is required.  Over 1200 rigs are currently working in our four state coverage area (TX, NM, OK, LA) and the effort required to track these rigs is substantial. At the end of the day, would you rather spend your day searching various state agencies websites for approved drilling permits and calling drilling contractors for rig location or actually making sales calls with potential customers?  The choice is yours, but for a fairly low cost of subscription service, you can have a service provider like Wellreports.com do the work for you.

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